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Showing posts with the label blogiversary

My 7th blogiversary

7th birthday card from my friend Denise O'Leary. Today marks the seventh anniversary of my first blog post. I wish I had reread my old posts prior to beginning this one as I would have saved considerable time.  This is what happened three years ago. Like my  second  and  third  blogiversary I have rummaged through my  archive  (read boxes of stuff) and found my childhood birthday cards. There was an initial panic as I couldn't find the bag from a Fijian trip in 1971 which contained the cards. I had my husband looking in the roof only to later find the said bag inside a box in my study (where they should have been). Some things never change! Jump forward to 2018 and it was a repeat performance. This seventh birthday card was from my friend Denise. I'm pleased to say that we are still friends today.

I'm finally 4

4th birthday card from my grandparents, Jim and Esme Moore. Time certainly flies. Four years ago today I started my genealogy blog. Like my second and third blogiversary I have rummaged through my archive (read boxes of stuff) and found my childhood birthday cards. There was an initial panic as I couldn't find the bag from a Fijian trip in 1971 which contained the cards. I had my husband looking in the roof only to later find the said bag inside a box in my study (where they should have been). This one was from my grandparents Jim and Esme Moore. The only things that ring true about this card are that I love red and have curly hair. I have never been as close to a dog as the little girl in the card! Looking for the cards has once again reminded me that this year I need to:  concentrate on sorting and scanning my research instead of collecting more. (I still have boxes of information to sift through) finally make a decision about how I am going to organise my...

Can't believe I'm 3!

From my cousins Loretta and Kelvin Today is the third  anniversary of my blog  Genealogy Matters to Me . It doesn't seem that long ago that I bit the bullet and finally decided to start a serious blog. Last year I rummaged around for one of my 2nd birthday cards to show, so I went back to the box and looked through my 3rd birthday cards. (I know I have hoarding issues but sometimes things come in handy.) Looking through the cards I was delighted to see that I actually saw some of the people who sent me cards last weekend - a half century since they were sent to me. I know I shouldn't make any promises I can't keep for the year ahead but I really would like to complete Shona Hicks   52 weeks of genealogical records challenge. Wish me luck!

My second blogiversary

Today is my second blogiversary. Two weeks ago, on one of the hottest days this summer, I asked my husband to look in our storage space between the ceiling and the roof in our garage to look for something that I hoped might be up there. He obliged before it got too hot and found the box. Fortunately it contained what I was looking for - my old birthday cards. Rummaging through them, I found the card that my grandparents sent me for my second birthday in 1962 and thought this would be the image for my blogiversary. 2 years old already? Well that's exciting news! It's plain no other 2-year-old Could ever fill your shoes - Hope your birthday is a lot of fun With frosted cake and candy Games to play and things to do -  Mmm! Aren't birthdays dandy! Yes it is exciting that my blog is two years old. I'm looking forward to the year and will try to post regularly. I wonder if anyone has made me a frosted cake and candy? ...