This geneameme comes from Cassmob who has issued a 2014 Australia Day Challenge. The geneameme comes in two parts: one to test whether your family is ridgey-didge and the second to show us how Australia runs in your veins, without any flag-waving and tattoo-wearing. Shout it out, be proud and make everyone wish they lived in this wide brown land of ours. My first ancestor to arrive in Australia was : Patrick Flynn who arrived on the Southworth in 1821. A few more years until our family can celebrate its bicentenary. I have Australian Royalty (tell us who, how many and which Fleet they arrived with) : Unfortunately no one arrived early enough to be on one of the numbered fleets. However, Patrick Flynn (see above), James Agnew (see below) and Thomas Mylan 1824 Prince Regent all arrived courtesy of the British government. I’m an Aussie mongrel, my ancestors came to Oz from : England, Ireland and Scotland Did any of your ancestors...