This is my second post in my new series - From my Bookshelf I frequently trawl Abebooks for local history books, particularly for those places where ancestors lived. I have been rewarded with several interesting finds. Whenever I am in a town in Australia where family members have lived I see if there are any books written about the area. I usually find something interesting. Today I decided I needed to update my books on Library Thing . There were quite a few new purchases which hadn't been added. Hopefully, I now have most of my genealogy related books on Library Thing. As I pulled books from my shelves to catalogue I decided that there were many that I need to read more thoroughly. One of those is Close to the edge - stories of the New England Gorges written by Dave Vidler. This book is a collection of interviews from 14 people who live in the New England gorge country or as my husband's family called it the falls-country near Armidale, New South Wales. Looking at...