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Showing posts with the label Old Bonalbo

52 Weeks of Genealogical Records in 2014 – Week 1 Military Medals

I have decided that I need a challenge to get me blogging again on a regular basis. So I was pleased this morning when I saw  Shauna Hicks  personal blogging challenge for 2014. Each week Shauna intends to blog about a different genealogical record. I have tried a weekly blogging challenges before and have never lasted more than about 6 weeks, so my aim this year is to improve on this. Week 1 - Military Medals Last week's challenge is about military medals. In my direct line I have no one who fought in any recent wars. However, my parents did have uncles who fought in both the First and the Second World Wars. William Vesey Dawson 1892 - 1974 - Brisbane 1914 William Vesey Dawson was born in Gladesville on 29th May 1892. His family later moved to the north coast of NSW and it was there that he joined  the 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment on 25th October 1914. He served with this regiment at Gallipoli but it was to be later in the war while he was with ...