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Showing posts with the label Inside History

Lucky Me! Lifetime Subscription to Inside History

A few weeks ago I was one of 5 lucky competition winners on Inside History's Facebook page. All I had to do was tell them about the best e-resource at the State Library. What did I win? A lifetime subscription to the iPad version of Inside History magazine. Here is my simple answer.   An e-resource is an electronic resource which could include databases, books, journals and newspapers in an electronic  format. The NSW State Library has many of these available for those unable to visit in person. The best e-resource at the NSW State Library is always the one that I am currently using. So at the moment the best e-resource is the 19th century British Newspaper collection. I should also mention that previously I have won a copy of In Her Own Words - The Writings of Elizabeth Macquarie . To win that I wrote about my favourite woman in my family research. So if you want to win one of their regular prizes, log onto Facebook, like Inside History and look for their competi...

Inside History magazine

Yesterday, my copy of Inside History magazine arrived. I sat myself down and forgot to start getting tea. This is always the case when it arrives. I always need to set aside some time to peruse the latest edition and this one was no exception. I was quite surprised when I began reading an article titled Entering the blogosphere by Jill Ball, aka Geniaus . In the article she mentioned 50 blogs which are worth following. These blogs included institutional, society, personal, international and organisation blogs. Amongst the personal blogs there was a recommendation to read and subscribe to this blog. I was quite pleased that I actually follow most of the blogs that Jill mentioned. The remaining few have been added to my blog reader, Feedly . Like Jill, I enjoy reading blog posts and more often than not I can find posts that are relevant in some way to my families, posts that make me wish I had more time to devote to my passion, posts that give me clues to help me in my personal researc...