Francis Henry Daniel Sneyd was the youngest of nine or possibly ten sons born to Robert Hardcastle Sneyd and his wife Elizabeth Dawson. He was born in 1890 and lived with his family at Mount Gamble, Swords, Co. Dublin. One day in 1913 he went to Dublin and I believe his family did not hear from him again. After the death of his father Robert Hardcastle in December 1923 the following notice was placed in The Freeman's Journal. Freeman's Journal, 23 Feb 1924, p.1 There was no reply to this advertisement and two years later a court case was necessary to declare him deceased before the death of his father. Evidence during the case stated that: "every possible form of inquiry had been made to find him all the world over, but without result. He was described as a noted sportsman, having been a footballer and county cricketer. He came into Dublin one day in 1913 and disappeared." Irish Independent 23 Feb 1926, p. 11. What happened to Francis Henry Daniel Sney...