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Showing posts with the label NIGS

It's a Small World - No 1

Last month I enrolled in the basic level courses of the Australian Records Certificate through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. I have just started my second course. Imagine my surprise this morning when I received a tweet from a librarian friend who works less than a kilometre from me to say that she had just posted her first response and that one of mine was directly below her entry. It's certainly a small world. I didn't know she had an interest in genealogy. Now we have another common interest.

Western Australia Reverse Marriage Index

 I have just enrolled in the National Institute for Genealogical Studies Australian Records Certificate course. The first subject I've enrolled in is Australia: Births, Deaths and Marriages. As I have direct ancestors from each Australian state except South Australia, I have searched many different indexes. Last night I was reading the module about Western Australia and although I had heard of the Western Australian Reverse Marriage Index before I had never used it.  I now can't believe I haven't used this index before. I've now filled in a few more names in my family. I did have some of the names after using electoral rolls but didn't know the women's maiden names. So last night was a successful evening.

National Institute for Genealogical Studies

Last week I took the plunge and enrolled in the Australian Records Certificate through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies   who work in affiliation with the Continuing Education Division of the University of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto. I have paid for the basic level section of the course - a total of 9 subjects, with another 9 to follow in the intermediate and then 11 in advanced sections. I can then choose several electives. Of course, it is the electives that interest me most, but I thought I should start at the beginning. I have only enrolled in one subject this month - Australia: Births, Deaths and Marriages but think I'll try 2 next month. My Australian research so far has not lead me to South Australia, so already I've learnt a little about the history of South Australia. I hope it does't mean I won't get my own research done!