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Showing posts with the label Henry Hunter

Australasia through a lens

My inspiration for today's post came from my Facebook feed via Gould Genealogy . This post alerted me to the UK National Archive Flickr launch of an Australian collection of images titled Australasia Through a Lens . My first thought was of course to wonder if there were any images I could assist to identify. This is not as silly as it seems as my great, great, great grandfather Henry William Seabrook and his sons were responsible for building many prominent buildings in Hobart. Sure enough in the Tasmanian folder I found a copy of a photo of the Royal Society's Museum on the corner of Argyle and Macquarie Streets, Hobart. Henry William Seabrook and his son, Henry William Jnr, built the Royal Society Museum on the corner of Argyle and Macquarie Streets, Hobart between 1861 and 1862 at a cost of £3772. A prominent architect of the time, Henry Hunter was responsible for the design of the building. The Royal Society's Museum, Hobart Our family is very fortun...