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Showing posts with the label Jacob Scheef European Hotel Castlereagh Street Scheef Armidale

Jacob Scheef letters (1) 7 May 1885

My husband's family are very fortunate as his great grandfather, Jacob Scheef travelled on holiday to Germany from Armidale, NSW from May to September 1885. While visiting remaining members of his family he sent many letters back to Australia and kept a diary of his time away from home. Jacob Scheef, date unknown, personal collection  I have previously posted Jacob Scheef's letters. However, this time I intend to add a copy of the original letter and more information about what he has written.  (1) European Hotel 90 Castlereagh Street Sydney the 7 May 1885 My Dear Wife and Children I am glad that I feel in good health and believe far better than in New England. My knees do not trouble me at all since I left home and neither do I feel anything in my inside since I left but my new boots give me a good deal of trouble so I bought a pair of shoes as well as my other clothes. My passage I paid for yesterday and have seen the vessel I am going in it is a grand ship when I was in it ...