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Showing posts with the label percentages

What's my number?

Lorine McGinnis Schulze in her Olive Tree Genealogy Blog  suggests looking at the number of ancestors you can identify  back 9 generations. There are a total of 1022 direct ancestors. Lorine suggests that many people will begin to double up on ancestors but this isn't the case with my family. It is actually a little depressing when my figures are revealed. The first table documents my ancestors. It looks like I have only identified 11.1 % back to my 7th great grandparents. There are a few branches in which I can delve further into the past. These include Scottish, English and Irish (Church of Ireland) links. Roadblocks have been caused by Tasmanian death certificates - no parents names to get back to Norfolk research and Irish catholic research. Generation Number of Ancestors My Numbers Cumulative Percentage  GGGGGGG grandparents 512 5 11.1% GGGGGG grandparents 256 9 21.% GGGGG grandparents 128 ...