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Showing posts with the label China

Mystery Photo - Chinese orphans? 1909

Yesterday I was checking out some folders in my genealogy cupboard when I came across a bag with some photos that came from my great uncles Peter Dawson's house. There were many that I had previously seen, some that I knew about and ones that were a complete surprise. This photo was one of the latter.   Sharon Brennan collection from Peter and Pauline Dawson. Before I looked at the back of the photo, I wrote down what I could ascertain from the photo. The children in the photo are Chinese. There are 2 westerners in the photo. One of the men has a queue (plait).  According to Wikipedia it was compulsory for the men to wear a queue until the 1910's. I'm unsure about what is in the sack. Initially I thought it may have been food for the children, but I'm not sure. On second thoughts the sack may in fact be part of the clothing of the woman? whose hand is outstretched. Some of the children appear to be wearing a name tag. The writing on the b...