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Showing posts with the label MRCS

Australia Day 2012 - Wealth for Toil - Dr William Lee Dawson

Last year Shelly from Twigs of Yore challenged geneabloggers to blog about the oldest documentation we had about an Australian ancestor. This challenge actually prompted me to begin my blogging journey. My initial Australia Day challenge was about Dr William Lee Dawson . This year's challenge is described below. Australia Day 2012: Wealth for Toil To participate, choose someone who lived in Australia (preferably one of your ancestors) and tell us how they toiled. Your post should include: What was their occupation?  What information do you have about the individual’s work, or about the occupation in general? The story of the person, focussing on their occupation; or The story of the occupation, using the person as an example.  Dr William Lee Dawson I am again going to use my great great grandfather, Dr William Lee Dawson (1819-1871) as my chosen ancestor. William Lee Dawson began his medical studies on 1st November 1845 at the Apothecaries' Hall and St Vincent's...