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Showing posts with the label National Year of Reading

2012 Genealogy Goals

After reading several posts from others who have evaluated their year and set goals for 2012 I though that perhaps I should do the same. I tend to be someone who flits from one thing to another, (In fact I am in the middle of something now and have dropped it to write this post.) so a few goals won't go astray. After much thought I know I need to make organising what I already have a priority over discovering more wonderful information. So with this in mind here are my goals for 2012: Link my currently scanned and filed information to the appropriate individual or family in Reunion. Tidy up all my sources in Reunion. (After combining my family’s 3 files into 1, I still have many multiple sources.)  Complete scanning all my paper files. (in 2011 I worked on my filing system and am happy with that, but I still have the contents of at least a dozen large folders to scan. Take part in Amy Coffin's 52 weeks of Abundant Genealogy . In addition to the blogging challenge above I w...

National Year of Reading - Genealogy Challenge

I have set myself a genealogy challenge for this Australia's  National Year of Reading . As I am a teacher librarian I also need to read to keep up with the students at my school. It looks like it will be a busy year. Each of the books listed below come from my bookshelf. I have selected 12 - an equivalent of one per month. Most of them have a special significance. Some will be more challenging than others and a couple of them I'll be able to read in an hour. I'll review each of them here. What books are you going to read this year? Image Title/Author When completed The Arsenic Century James C Whorton 7th January 2012 Pure Cork Michael Lenihan 27 February 2012 London: The Biography Peter Ackroyd Free Passage: The Reunion of Irish Convicts and their Families in Australia 1788-1852 Perry McIntyre Our Daily Bread German Village Life, 1500-1850 Teva J Scheer The Great Irish Potato Famine James S. Donnelly, Jr A ...