Our family home - 69 Rayleigh Street, Wallangarra

 I've always known the story about my parents getting a loan for their first home in Wallangarra, Queensland. Dad had an appointment at the Commonwealth Bank in Stanthorpe. Everything went smoothly until the bank manager asked him where he intended to build his house. The answer - Wallangarra - was not the right one. Apparently the only correct answer was Stanthorpe. My father's response was to go to the teller and withdraw all his money and take it across the road to the National Bank.

When he was telling the builder that the Commonwealth Bank wouldn't lend him the money, Mr Pierpoint replied that he would build the house and my parents could pay him back. He said that our families were related. Pierpoint's uncle Samuel had married my father's great great aunt, Emma Hooton in 1881, almost 80 years previously. And this is what happened. Mr Pierpoint would come to Wallangarra every month to collect the repayments. 

69 Rayleigh Street, Wallangarra, 1957

69 Rayleigh Street, Wallangarra, c 1958

69 Rayleigh Street, Wallangarra, c1958

69 Rayleigh Street, Wallangarra, after May 1958.

The above photo was taken after 5 May 1958 as the FC Holden Special was introduced on that date.  

What makes this story more interesting is that I have the book where my father, Ron Moore, and James H Pierpoint kept track of the payments made. The house cost £2310 to build. On 1st April 1957, my father made a deposit of £800-00 and one for £200 in July.  Early on his repayments were £24. He increased repayments to £60 towards the end of the loan.  The final payment was made on 7th November 1960. The  total interest bill was £129-18-9. 

The first and last pages of the loan repayment book.

Final receipt from James Pierpoint

We lived at 69 Rayleigh Street, Wallangarra until Easter of 1973. The house was rented and then sold via the Defence Department of Housing in December that year for just over $7200. (Personal papers in my possession.)


  1. Two of the years dates you mention are relevant to my family, 1958 I was born, 1960 my brother below me was born and Easter 1973 was when my family, Mum and us eight children moved away from Wallangarrato Warwick after we tragically lost our father to two massive heart attacks after Sister Thomas’s farewell concert at the School of arts Building not far from your place. Mum was friends with the Pierpoints from School days. I still hear your mum saying Ronnie’s name when she was at netball and the Reedy’s place. But I do remember your place because we were friends with the Ghions. That story and how your father got to get the home for his family just showed what country Folk were like and the trust and generosity that constituted many citizens makeup. I love that I am from Wallangarra and Stanthorpe.πŸ’–πŸ’• your story was lovely to read and I am sure it would provoke many memories about your family who were well respected in Wallangarra Jennings and I am sure in both of the districts around Tenterfield and Stanthorpe. Thankyou so much for sharing. I loved the Tax Stamps on the receipts.πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ˜πŸ«ΆπŸ»πŸ‘


    1. Thanks for you comment. However, you have the wrong Moore family. We both lived in Rayleigh Street and both men were Ron Moore. Joan was the netballer. Our house was on the other side of the highway closer to the Catholic Church.

  2. Thanks for the memories. I lived at 79 Rayleigh street on the other side of the Masonic Hall.The other Moore’s were down near the Post Office and had sons Billy and Jimmy. My parents were Jim and Neta Ryan.
    Regards Peter

    1. Peter, thanks for replying. I remember you well. I too, remember Wallangarra with great fondness and try and stop every time we drive through.


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