Thanks to Geniaus for yet another meme. You can tell she has retired and has plenty of time on her hands. Half her luck! If you want to join Geniaus and others in the fun and show off your own tech cred, here are the rules for the My Rooted Technology meme : Technology you already use: bold face type Technology you would like to use or learn more about: italicize (color optional) Technology you don’t use, have no interest in using or no longer use: plain type Explain or give opinions in brackets [ ] at the end of each bullet point I have a tablet computer such as an iPad that I use for genealogy [I have been an Apple fan since my first purchase in 1984, so naturally I have an iPad] I have downloaded one or more apps to a Smart Phone or similar device. [ So many, some for pleasure, some for genealogy, others for productivity and lots just to check out for possible educational value.] I belong to a genealogy society that uses social media. [Two Australian ones] I use GEDC...