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Jacob Scheef letters (6) 22 June 1885

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Jacob Scheef letters (4) 8 June 1885

My husband's family are very fortunate as his great grandfather, Jacob Scheef travelled on holiday to Germany from Armidale, NSW from May to September 1885. While visiting remaining members of his family he sent many letters back to Australia and kept a diary of his time away from home. Jacob Scheef - personal collection John Elder Aden the 8 June 1885 My Dear Wife and Children I am having the chance now to let you know how I am  getting on since I left Adelaide where I sent my last  letter from. First my health and appetite is very good  and in general I am well placed with the eating on the  ship board as we have always fresh meat and potatoes  the bread is even new and of first class quality Now I am going  to let you now about the progress we made and the sights  we have seen. Adelaide is a very nice Town but a good  deal smaller then Melbourne it has a splendid Botanical  Garden but the harbour where we laid on was the open sea  We stopped one day at Adelaide and left on the 1

Jacob Scheef letters (3) 17 May 1885

My husband's family are very fortunate as his great grandfather, Jacob Scheef travelled on holiday to Germany from Armidale, NSW from May to September 1885. While visiting remaining members of his family he sent many letters back to Australia and kept a diary of his time away from home. Jacob Scheef - personal collection John Elder    Adelaide the 17 May 1885 My dear wife and children I wrote to you from Melbourne and also I received a letter from you of the same same content as the one I got in Sydney when I wrote last I was  not yet in the city so could tell you nothing of it since I have  seen a good deal of it Directly we were on the wharf I went and  posted my letter and had one or two hours in the city the Sydney is a fine city but is not a patch to Melbourne because the  street are all two chains wide and are all straight the next  day I went again and seen the Exhibition Building as well  as the aquarium with all the fishes also the Museum and the  Botanical Gardens and the

Jacob Scheef letters (2) 14 May 1885

My husband's family are very fortunate as his great grandfather, Jacob Scheef travelled on holiday to Germany from Armidale, NSW from May to September 1885. While visiting remaining members of his family he sent many letters back to Australia and kept a diary of his time away from home. Jacob Scheef John Elder Melbourne the 14 May 1885 Dear Wife and Children! I am in receipt of your letter which I received in  Sydney just half an hour before we started from  which I see that you are all well except David and  I trust you will take good care of him with his cold  and am glad that you had some rain the white  bullock you can either kill or sell him if you can get  £5 - 10s for him and break the Strawberry or roan bullock  in with Glover. We left Sydney on the 12 this month at 1 1/2 clock and the  Sydney Harbour I can give you no idea for his beauty  and grandeur every half hour of steaming it presents a fresh panorama after coming outside on the open sea  my shipmates began the work

Tree Completeness - May 2023

In 2020 I wrote a post about my tree completeness with the results below. Since then I have made some progress and unfortunately some regress in my more distant ancestors. Sharon's tree completeness April 2020 Sharon's tree completeness April 2021 Sharon's tree completeness May 2023 4G grandparents I now know the names of 39 out of 64 of my 4g grandparents which is 2 less that 2020. Obviously I had research which has not proved to be incorrect. 5G grandparents From 37 of 128 to 44 of 128 6G grandparents From 27 of 256 to 37 of 256 7G grandparents 9 of 512 to 30 of 512 8G grandparents 7 of 1024 to 14 of 1024 9G grandparents 3 of 2048 to 5 of 2048 10G grandparents None in 2020 to 2 of 4096 I wonder when I will reach saturation? I'm forever grateful to those who transcribe records and their subsequent availability online.  

Jacob Scheef letters (1) 7 May 1885

My husband's family are very fortunate as his great grandfather, Jacob Scheef travelled on holiday to Germany from Armidale, NSW from May to September 1885. While visiting remaining members of his family he sent many letters back to Australia and kept a diary of his time away from home. Jacob Scheef, date unknown, personal collection  I have previously posted Jacob Scheef's letters. However, this time I intend to add a copy of the original letter and more information about what he has written.  (1) European Hotel 90 Castlereagh Street Sydney the 7 May 1885 My Dear Wife and Children I am glad that I feel in good health and believe far better than in New England. My knees do not trouble me at all since I left home and neither do I feel anything in my inside since I left but my new boots give me a good deal of trouble so I bought a pair of shoes as well as my other clothes. My passage I paid for yesterday and have seen the vessel I am going in it is a grand ship when I was in it I

Our family home - 69 Rayleigh Street, Wallangarra

 I've always known the story about my parents getting a loan for their first home in Wallangarra, Queensland. Dad had an appointment at the Commonwealth Bank in Stanthorpe. Everything went smoothly until the bank manager asked him where he intended to build his house. The answer - Wallangarra - was not the right one. Apparently the only correct answer was Stanthorpe. My father's response was to go to the teller and withdraw all his money and take it across the road to the National Bank. When he was telling the builder that the Commonwealth Bank wouldn't lend him the money, Mr Pierpoint replied that he would build the house and my parents could pay him back. He said that our families were related. Pierpoint's uncle Samuel had married my father's great great aunt, Emma Hooton in 1881, almost 80 years previously. And this is what happened. Mr Pierpoint would come to Wallangarra every month to collect the repayments.  69 Rayleigh Street, Wallangarra, 1957 69 Rayleigh St